Kursy Wiolonczlelowe

XX CEllo Masterclass

Polish Pedagogues


prof. Maciej Mazurek

The cellist from Poznań has been associated with the Amadeus P.R. Chamber Orchestra and the “Wieniawski” quartet for many years. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Academy of Music. I.J. Paderewski in Poznań. In 2013, he received the title of doctor habilitated at the Poznań Academy of Music. I.J. Paderewski. He participated in many artistic tours as part of the Amadeus Chamber Orchestra. He recorded several dozen albums and many hours of archival recordings for Polish Radio.

wiolonczelowe dla dzieci

Tomasz Lisiecki, PhD

Polish cellist graduated from the Academy of Music in Poznań and the Universität der Künste in Berlin, master classes at the Bach-Händel Akademie in Karlsruhe, and also studied in Warsaw under the supervision of prof. Kazimierz Michalik. Currently a lecturer at the Academy of Music. Ignacy Jan Paderewski in Poznań.

wiolonczelowy dla dzieci

Anna Skibińska-Haponiuk

Since 1994, she has been teaching at the Karol Szymanowski State Music School Complex in Warsaw, where she is currently the head of the section of string instruments, harp, and accordion. Since 2015, she also teaches at the Karol Kurpiński State Music School in Warsaw. She conducts workshops and lectures on the methodology of playing the cello for students and teachers and sits on the jury of national and international cello competitions.

Foreign pedagogues

Cello Course

prof. Justus Grimm

German cellist born in 1970 in Hamburg. World-famous soloist and chamber musician, permanently working as a lecturer and Artistic Director at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Antwerp. He has performed in many of the most renowned concert halls in the world: Berlin Philharmonic, the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, the Cologne Philharmonic, the Theater du Chatelet in Paris, the Atheneum Bucarest, the Munich Hercules Hall or the Cultural in Lisbon.

Cello Course

prof. Roberto Trainini

Italian cellist, and lecturer at the “Monteverdi” Conservatory in Bolzano, Italy, and the Academia de Arte de Florencia in Mexico. He graduated from, among others International Menuhin Music Academy, the chamber music class of Lord Yehudi Menuhin and Walter Levin, and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris.



Prof. Krzysztof Sowiński


Patrycja Wachowicz

Basic Information

Recruitment schedule

Recruitment I: MARCH 1’st – MAY 24’th 2024

Announcement of the recruitment results: MAY 25’th 2024

Recruitment II: MAY 25 – 30’th 2024

Announcement of the recruitment results: JUNE 3’rd 2024

Time and location of the Course

• The Course will be in Szamotuły near Poznań from June 30’th to July 6’th, 2024.

• Individual and group lessons will be held at the Górków Castle Museum.

• Sessions with pianists will be conducted at the Wacław School of Music in Szamotuły.

What does the Course offer?

As part of the Course, there will be 2 lessons with a selected Polish pedagogue and 2 with a foreign one, as well as a series of additional activities, accompanied lessons, lectures, workshops, and concerts, which will take place throughout Szamotuły.

Course Fee

The cost of the Course is 550 €

Pro Cello Foundation Scholarschip

Participants who apply for the Course and pay the registration fee during Recruitment I have the chance to receive the PRO CELLO FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP.

How does it work?

Based on the recordings you submit in the application form, the Jury of Course Pedagogues will select 30 individuals (including at least 5 from outside of Poland) who will be awarded the PRO CELLO FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP to be used for the XX CELLLO MASTERCLASS.

What does this mean in practice?

It means that for scholarship recipients, the COURSE will cost only 1350 PLN.

Accommodation and meals

Accommodation and meals

We propose accommodation for all participants at the Dormitory of the 1st High School named after Piotr Skarga in Szamotuły (known as “Bursa”), which is arranged for the needs of the course from June 30th to July 6th. The dormitory is located a 15-minute walk from the Course Office and the Górka Castle Museum. The cost of accommodation in the dormitory with meals is 850 PLN.

Participants under the age of 16 are required to come to the Course with a guardian. The cost of accommodation and meals for the guardian is 850 PLN.

Participants aged 16-18 may attend the Course independently with written consent from a parent/legal guardian.

In the Dormitory, all rooms are double occupancy. Accommodation begins on Sunday, June 30th with dinner and ends on Saturday, July 6th with breakfast.


Master Courses are not only about individual lessons, lectures, or workshops. A significant part of them are the concerts organized for the participants almost every day at various times. We aim to give participants the opportunity for frequent interaction with the audience! In addition to presenting their programs, young musicians will have the opportunity to listen to performances by their Pedagogues, and some will play with them on the same stage!

Innaugaration Concert - 30.06.2024
Lunch Concerts every day at 12:30
Evening concerts - 19:00

The Lunch Concert is an opportunity for every participant to perform on the course stage. Evening concerts feature performances by Pedagogues, outstanding students, and guests—your peers—who are laureates of national and international music competitions. All concerts will be organized on a specially arranged stage at the Granary of the Górka Castle Museum for the duration of the Course.

Sessions with Pianists and Practice Sessions

Sessions with pianists

During the course, each participant will have the opportunity for individual work with experienced pianists specializing in cello literature.

Practice sessions

Each participant will be able to use practice rooms in the music school building.

Lectures, workshops, sports activities

In addition to the mandatory classes with pedagogues, pianists, and the opportunity for practice, participants of the course can expect a variety of attractions during their stay in Szamotuły! Throughout the course, we will have the pleasure of inviting all participants to additional lectures conducted by Pedagogues and Guests. The topics of these meetings will be tailored to the interests of musicians of different ages. Every day, additional activities focused on the development of participants’ musical skills (warm-ups before classes, cello ensembles, ear training) will also be organized, as well as workshops covering various artistic fields (e.g., basics of sound directing). Sports and recreational activities will also be an integral part of the course.

course schedule

NIEDZIELA 30.06.202413:00 – 17:00REJESTRACJA UCZESTNIKÓW/registration of participants
13:00-17:00zajęcia z pedagogami /master classes (prof. Lisiecki)
17:00 – 18:00Koncert plenerowy/open-air concert
18:00 – 21:00Impreza integracyjna/social event
PONIEDZIAŁEK 1.07.20248:00 – 9:00Śniadanie/breakfast
9:30 – 10:00Warm – up – prof. Grimm
10:00 – 12:15Zajęcia z pedagogami/ master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm)
12:30 – 13:30WARSZTATY –  z realizacji nagrań konkursowych/ WORKSHOPS – from the making of competition recordings
13: 30 – 15:00Obiad/ dinner
15:00 – 18:00Zajęcia z pedagogami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki)
15:00-18:00ZESPOŁY WIOLONCZELOWE / cello ensambles
18:00 – 19:30Kolacja uczestników / podwieczorek dla pedagogów/ afternoon tea for teachers
21:00Kolacja dla pedagogów/ supper
WTOREK 2.07.20248:00 – 9:00Śniadanie/breakfast
9:15 – 10:00Warm – up prof. Mazurek
10:00 – 12:15Zajęcia z pedagogami/ master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Mazurek)
12:30 – 13:30WYKŁAD/ lecture
14:00 – 15:00Obiad/dinner
15:00 – 18:00Zajęcia z pedagogami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Mazurek, prof. Trainini)
15:00-18:00ZESPOŁY WIOLONCZELOWE/ cello ensambles
18:00 – 19:30 Kolacja uczestników / podwieczorek dla pedagogów/ afternoon tea for teachers
19:30 – 21:00 WYKŁAD/ lecture prof. Thiel
21:00Kolacja dla pedagogów/ supper
ŚRODA 3.07.20248:00 – 9:00Śniadanie/breakfast
9:30 – 10:00Warm – up mgr Jan Czaja
10:00 – 12:15Zajęcia z pedagogami i pianistami /master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Mazurek, prof. Trainini, prof. Sowiński)
godz. 12:30Turniej sportowy/sports competition
14:00 – 15:00Obiad/ dinner
15:00 – 18:00Zajęcia z pedagogami i pianistami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Mazurek, prof. Trainini, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk, prof. Sowiński)
18:00 – 19:30 Kolacja uczestników / podwieczorek dla pedagogów/ afternoon tea for teachers
19:30 – 21:3019:30 – 20:15 – Koncert zespołów kameralnych / cello ensambles concert
20:30 – 21:30 – Koncert Pedagogów i zaproszonych gości/ teachers concert
godz. 21:30Impreza integracyjna/social event
CZWARTEK 4.07.20248:00 – 9:00Śniadanie/breakfast
9:30 – 10:00Warm – up prof. Trainini
10:00 – 12:15Zajęcia z pedagogami i pianistami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Trainini, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk, prof. Sowiński)
godz. 12:30LUNCH CONCERT – koncert uczestników kursu
15:00 – 18:00Zajęcia z pedagogami i pianistami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Trainini, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk, prof. Sowiński)
14:00 – 15:00Obiad/ dinner
18:00 – 19:30 Kolacja uczestników / podwieczorek dla pedagogów/ afternoon tea for teachers
godz. 20:00Joga relaksacyjna / relaxation yoga
21:00 – 23:00FILM W SPICHLERZU/ movie
21:00Kolacja dla pedagogów/supper
PIĄTEK 5.07.20248:00 – 9:00Śniadanie/breakfast
9:30 – 10:00Warm – up dr hab. Lisiecki
10:00 – 12:15Zajęcia z pedagogami i pianistami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Trainini, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk, prof. Sowiński)
godz. 12:30LUNCH CONCERT – koncert uczestników kursu
14:00 – 15:00Obiad/ dinner
15:00 – 18:00Zajęcia z pedagogami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Grimm, prof. Trainini, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk)
18:00 – 19:30Kolacja uczestników / Kolacja dla pedagogów/ supper
19:30 – 21:00Rozdanie dyplomów + koncert uczestników kursu/ final concert
21:00 – 23:00Mecz euro – spichlerz/ euro 2024 soccer match
SOBOTA 6.07.2024godz. 12:00WYKŁAD + Uroczyste Zakończenie XX Mistrzowskiego Kursu Wiolonczelowego / lecture 
9:00 – 12:45Zajęcia z pedagogami / master classes (prof. Lisiecki, prof. Skibińska-Haponiuk)

Do you have any questions? Write to us!!!